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The Link Between Anorexia and Bulimia

Posted on September 17, 2023 by Gino Mutters

Young people sometimes starve themselves. No matter how thin they could be-- within their internal mirror, they're fat. Or they could so afraid of gaining weight, yet so desperately hungry, they eat and eat until they feel so guilty they must vomit up all of the food. These folks have problems with eating disorders. Eating disorders have nothing in connection with the digestive system of the individual. Rather, the condition resides in your brain.

Anorexia and bulimia will be the two most typical eating disorders. They have a tendency to appear mostly in women. Actually, 90 percent of most cases come in women. Most eating disorders begin in the teenage years: anorexia frequently occurs around puberty, and bulimia hits a little later. People who have anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa share exactly the same fear, guilt, and shame about food and fat. Still, they're two separate disorders with different symptoms. People who have anorexia starve and exercise themselves thin. People who have bulimia eat unhealthy levels of food and vomit or purge themselves. People who have anorexia or bulimia have a tendency to start at normal weights, but have problems with poor nutrition along with the mental and emotional ramifications of having an eating disorder. Some individuals with eating disorders could have a variety of anorexia and bulimia.

People with anorexia or bulimia, despite their different behaviors toward food, share lots of the same symptoms. Both are undernourished, and, because of this, could have dry skin, brittle hair and nails, be constipated, and could be sensitive to temperature changes. Women could have irregular periods. People who have eating disorders may develop food rituals, like only eating food items or at specific times, plus they may eat in secret. Even though thin, people who have eating disorders think about themselves as fat and so are terrified of gaining weight.

Each eating disorder has its unique symptoms, however. People who have anorexia lose dramatic levels of weight, eat little levels of food, and exercise excessively. People who have bulimia, however, have symptoms linked to constant vomiting. Their gastric acid eats away at their enameled, burns their esophagus, and will cause the salivary glands to swell. People who have bulimia could also have cuts or bruises on the fingers from inducing vomiting.

Both anorexia and bulimia are completely treatable. People who have eating disorders need specialized help from doctors and psychiatrists. It might take years to understand to regulate an eating disorder. Love and support from relatives and buddies are also necessary for recovery from any eating disorder.