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Tag: eating

Articles tagged as Eating

Body and Mind

Posted on July 5, 2024 by Gino Mutters
In accordance with latest survey, ignoring minor mental ailments, like consistent stress, undue anxiety and serve panic and apprehension, could cause serious mental disorders like chronic depression.Which wreak havoc later with ones life? Psychiatric problem aren't taken seriously, rather they're regarded as ones personality weakness.In this manner there affect on ones body are ignored.Because of this attitude these problems are dealt very late...

What are the Symptoms of Bulimia?

Posted on October 17, 2023 by Gino Mutters
Bulimia can be an eating disorder.People who have bulimia will often have a standard weight, but perceive themselves to be fat.Or they could feel intense guilt or self-disgust if they eat.These feelings are so strong that folks with bulimia provide much of the meals they eat.Though women and men both can form bulimia, 90 percent of individuals with bulimia are women.For some, bulimia begins in the teens, a couple of years after puberty begins...

The Link Between Anorexia and Bulimia

Posted on September 17, 2023 by Gino Mutters
Young people sometimes starve themselves.No matter how thin they could be-- within their internal mirror, they're fat.Or they could so afraid of gaining weight, yet so desperately hungry, they eat and eat until they feel so guilty they must vomit up all of the food.These folks have problems with eating disorders.Eating disorders have nothing in connection with the digestive system of the individual...

The Bulimia Recovery Process

Posted on July 26, 2023 by Gino Mutters
People with bulimia often feel just like they're keeping a secret.No-one knows how terrified they're about how exactly they look and how fat they feel.Nobody knows they're so afraid of gaining weight that after eating they'll quietly go the toilet and provide their food.No-one knows how hungry get and how they sneak out during the night to binge eat, and then purge soon afterwards.Without treatment, about 10 percent of individuals with bulimia will die from dehydration...

Soup From Scratch

Posted on May 14, 2023 by Gino Mutters
Let's consider health, not dieting, but health! Becoming healthy and remaining healthy is really a matter of lifestyle - a big change, forever.Long-term dieting has shown, again and again, to become a short-term solution that always results in more excess weight gain following the fact.It is possible to only stick to an eating plan for such a long time.Does it actually sound healthy to exclude carbohydrates from your own diet, eliminate fruit, eat only cabbage, start drinking shakes filled with artificial nutrients, take bottles of pills, eat cardboard-tasting chocolate flavoured bars or fatty steaks and bacon at every meal? Can you honestly think this is actually the strategy to use? Seriously? OUR MOTHER EARTH designed for us to consume real food, she actually is wondrous, but trust me she's not so forgiving...