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Tag: individual

Articles tagged as Individual

Food Intolerance and Food Allergies

Posted on August 7, 2024 by Gino Mutters
Although, some individuals are sensitive to lactose, a sugar within milk, however, they are able to tolerate other milk products like cheese, yogary and sourcream.That is a good example of food sensitivity or intolerance, No allergy to diary products.An individual with an allergic attack could have a a reaction to most forms of dairy, and usually the outward symptoms are worse, and more durable.Sometimes children cannot tolerate gluten, within wheat products, but will grow out or the intolerance...

Recognizing Acute Stress

Posted on June 18, 2024 by Gino Mutters
For individuals who are aware of stress, there exists a distinct difference between regular stress and acute stress.While regular stress is really a part of lifestyle in the hectic world of today, acute stress can be an altogether different animal.While stress is obviously a problem, due to the fact it can result in a weakening of the disease fighting capability, issues with memory, an inability to concentrate, and heart disease, acute stress is another thing...

The Function of Automated External Defibrillators

Posted on February 12, 2024 by Gino Mutters
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) aren't vastly dissimilar from the people a lot of us have seen for a long time on medical shows or in emergency rooms at hospitals.These devices exists to improve a fibrillation, or irregular heartrate that's negatively impacting blood circulation, but unlike the typical defibrillators, the automated external defibrillator could be operated by any citizen; even people that have little if any medical training...

What are the Symptoms of Bulimia?

Posted on October 17, 2023 by Gino Mutters
Bulimia can be an eating disorder.People who have bulimia will often have a standard weight, but perceive themselves to be fat.Or they could feel intense guilt or self-disgust if they eat.These feelings are so strong that folks with bulimia provide much of the meals they eat.Though women and men both can form bulimia, 90 percent of individuals with bulimia are women.For some, bulimia begins in the teens, a couple of years after puberty begins...