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Tag: attack

Articles tagged as Attack

The Importance of Immunization

Posted on May 14, 2024 by Gino Mutters
In enough time past, parents reported so many cases of children that died within their prime.Several parents didn't enjoy child bearing and rearing for this reason early death.Many didn't know why these children died.However, recent survey conducted in my own locality, oko agbado showed that lots of children survive nowadays in comparison to children 2 decades ago.Why? Associated with not far fetched...

Food Intolerance and Food Allergies

Posted on January 7, 2024 by Gino Mutters
Although, some individuals are sensitive to lactose, a sugar within milk, however, they are able to tolerate other milk products like cheese, yogary and sourcream.That is a good example of food sensitivity or intolerance, No allergy to diary products.An individual with an allergic attack could have a a reaction to most forms of dairy, and usually the outward symptoms are worse, and more durable.Sometimes children cannot tolerate gluten, within wheat products, but will grow out or the intolerance...

Body and Mind

Posted on December 5, 2023 by Gino Mutters
In accordance with latest survey, ignoring minor mental ailments, like consistent stress, undue anxiety and serve panic and apprehension, could cause serious mental disorders like chronic depression.Which wreak havoc later with ones life? Psychiatric problem aren't taken seriously, rather they're regarded as ones personality weakness.In this manner there affect on ones body are ignored.Because of this attitude these problems are dealt very late...