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Tag: death

Articles tagged as Death

The Importance of Immunization

Posted on May 14, 2024 by Gino Mutters
In enough time past, parents reported so many cases of children that died within their prime.Several parents didn't enjoy child bearing and rearing for this reason early death.Many didn't know why these children died.However, recent survey conducted in my own locality, oko agbado showed that lots of children survive nowadays in comparison to children 2 decades ago.Why? Associated with not far fetched...

The Effects of Bulimia

Posted on November 9, 2022 by Gino Mutters
People with bulimia have an eating disorder that triggers them to binge on food and, usually, provide the meals during binge-and-purge cycles.Some individuals may exercise excessively or abuse diuretics or laxatives.Although there is absolutely no known reason behind bulimia, individuals who have problems with the disorder are usually perfectionists who make an effort to make others happy, plus they can also be stressed or depressed...