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Tag: disease

Articles tagged as Disease

What Can You Do About Bad Breath?

Posted on February 7, 2024 by Gino Mutters
Some individuals spend their entire lives with bad breath, that may dramatically affect their self-esteem.Themselves don't desire to kiss them, their friends cool off during conversation, and their business relationships may also suffer.Some know they will have bad breath but have no idea how to proceed about any of it.Others have no idea they will have bad breath-they consider people can't stand them quite definitely...

The Long Goodbye that is Alzheimer's Disease

Posted on August 27, 2023 by Gino Mutters
Alzheimer's disease is cruelly progressive, an illness that slowly and stealthily requires a your hands on the neuron's in the mind.Because the condition is degenerative, the first symptoms are gradually surpassed by more sever ones; as you by one the neurons are attacked.Although the condition is ultimately fatal, that is however not the cruelest part.For most sufferers this means not having the ability to remember their wives, their sons and daughters, even while their personality slips away into one which themselves certainly are a stranger to...

What Cause Cold Sores?

Posted on April 2, 2023 by Gino Mutters
Cold sores are the effect of a virus, the herpes virus or HSV.You can find two forms of herpes virus, called type 1 and type 2.While both types could cause cold sores, type 1 may be the variety usually responsible.Type 2 HSV is situated in genital herpes and is a lot more rare than type 1 HSV.HSV-1 may be the most common reason behind cold sores.Many people are subjected to HSV-1 between your ages of 3 to 5...